Combatants: Pete, Ian and CM
Teams: it took about five flips to get teams as we all kept getting the same colour!
Score Line PI 1 / 2345678 CM, a 7 – 1 victory to CM.
Notable Events:
Casablanca was on top form, easily MOTM. He was getting trebles virtually every turn, if not double trebles or Shanghais! Pete and Ian played fairly poorly and the combination of (Mike’s) good and (our) bad play meant we never really got a look in except for the first game.
There were a couple that were close but, Mike still took them, he really was unstoppable. A deserved monster win.
Bull Wars: CM 5, Peter 2, Ian 1. So CM was Bulmeister as well!
Chart Changes: None, but of course Mike is now building a significant lead. Is it too late for any of us to catch him?
Game On!
Pete x