Peter 62.32% Ian 54.40% Dave 51.61% Mike D 45.83% Steve 45.45%
Papa 43.42% CM 37.50% Doddy 35.29% Colin 34.78% Malc 27.27%
The Bad Boys Darts Club gained another member this week, ‘Casablanca Mike’, probably to be abbreviated to ‘CM’ (Just to keep JA company). For those who attend Teddy Ruston’s boule evenings you will already know Mike as ‘Mike the Measure’.
Sadly Malc couldn’t make it this week (but we hope to see you soon). This meant the player pool was Peter, Ian, Doddy, Dave and Casablanca Mike. A couple of flips of the flipometers resulted in Ian & Pete ‘v’ the others!
It was very nearly an evening of two halves; Ian and Pete managed to grab the first four games, the first two of these it has to be said were substantial wins but the second two were much closer! CMDD bagged the 5th game and then PI took the 6th. At this stage we were hoping that game 5 had just been a blip but alas it was the shape of things to come and we also lost the 7th & 8th games.
Even so this still gave Pete and Ian a welcome 5 – 3 victory with the final score line PI 12346 / 578 CMDD.
We all have our good and bad patches and Dave seems to have had a couple of weeks recently that have been under his usual very high standard. I have to say that this is definitely being reflected in the % results. Ian’s minute (0.15%) lead from last week has now widened to far more considerable 2.09%.
Doddy’s % crept up by 0.29%, however this was not enough to stop him being (marginally) eclipsed by Casablanca Mike storming in with a first outing % of 37.5%. This also bumps CM ahead of Colin and Malc!
Notable events, nothing particularly outrageous this week, although PI did seem to be very heavy on the trebles!
Also Teddy got a Shang-Hi-de your face on 6’s!
Bull Wars Peter 3, CM 2, Ian 1, Doddy 1.
Bookings: June dates are starting to fill up, please take a look and let me know when you can play.
Game On!
Peter X